
Whiskey novice, Data enthusiast

Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging – Part 1

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This is the first part in a series on Citrix XenApp Configuration Logging. Citrix XenApp Configuration Logging helps keep track of changes made to your server farm. This feature can tell you what changes were made to your server farm, when they were made, and who made them. Part 1 in this series will further define where changes are logged and how the changes are logged. [Read More]

My other Blogs

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When I first started this site, it was my goal to write technical articles and have a platform to distribute custom written software. I think I have kept true to that, but that makes for sparse updates. What you may or may not know is that I do contribute to 2 other blogs out there on a more regular basis [Read More]
Tags: blog

How to Save Web Interface Usernames in a Cookie

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In the article titled “How to Enable AutoComplete for Web Interface Logon”, I explained how to enable the AutoComplete functionality of web browsers in order to save usernames and/or passwords for Citrix Web Interface. As the article explained, there are a lot of moving parts to the solution such as web browser settings, Protected Storage, JavaScript workarounds, etc. In this article, I will explain how to accomplish something similar by using cookies to remember the... [Read More]

How to Enable AutoComplete for Web Interface Logon

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The logon page for Citrix Web Interface explicitly disables the web browser functionality of saving form data. But, what if you want to let your users save their username (especially if they have a particularly long UPN)? This article will show you how to re-enable this functionality for both Web Interface 4.x and 5.x. [Read More]

Web Interface for Resource Manager is Dead

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I have gotten several comments (online and offline) and emails asking about future developments surrounding Web Interface for Resource Manager. Well, Web Interface for Resource Manager as you know today is officially dead. There are actually several reasons for this. Read on for more information... [Read More]