
Whiskey novice, Data enthusiast

Animate a Splunk SimpleXML Dashboard Elements with a Carousel

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Many years ago, as a learning exercise, I created a Citrix web interface that took some boring static icons and made them spin around like a carousel. This interface was never meant to be particularly useful, but it worked and looked nice. Thinking back on that carousel, I wondered if I could create something similar in Splunk. Spoiler alert - the answer is "yes". [Read More]

Calendar Custom Visualization with Splunk Simple XML

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Awhile back, I wrote a blog post about using a custom calendar visualization in Simple XML dashboards. To accomplish this, I used a technique sometimes referred to as escape hatching JavaScript into Simple XML. While this works okay for a developer, the technique does not lend itself well to the end user. So, I turned this into a downloadable custom Splunk visualization. Enjoy! [Read More]
Tags: Splunk

Using HTML5 Input Types on Splunk Forms

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Text inputs on Splunk forms allows for free-form user input. However, there are times when you need to control the type of this data input. HTML5 has several input types that control what can be entered in text boxes and how the text box behaves during user input. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could apply these HTML5 input types to Splunk text boxes? Hint: the answer is "yes". Read on to find out how.... [Read More]
Tags: Splunk

IoT and Flying Ponies at .conf 2015

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One of the coolest demos I witnessed at Splunk .conf 2015 was the one by Nate McKervy. The reasons this demo was so cool is 1) it was live, 2) it involved audience participation, and 3) it involved shooting stuffed ponies out of an air cannon. [Read More]
Tags: Splunk