Tag Index

  Azure ()  Citrix ()  Citrix ()  XenApp () API (2) Access Control (2) Access Gateway (1) Active Directory (1) Applications (1) Azure (1) BYOD (1) Branding (1) BriForum (1) C# (4) CAG (1) CMC (1) Citrix (29) Citrix Synergy (8) Client (2) Cloud (3) Configuration Logging (8) Cortex (1) Customization (6) Database (15) Development (1) Download (17) Epoch (1) Exchange (1) GitHub (1) HTML (1) ICA (2) Intel (1) IoT (2) MFCOM (7) OData (1) Octoblu (2) PhoneGap (2) PowerShell (10) Project Mobius (3) Registry (1) Resource Hacker (1) Resource Manager (14) Responsive Design (2) SDK (3) SOA (1) SQL (6) Script (2) Shadow Key (1) ShareFile (1) SharePoint (3) Silverlight (1) Splunk (16) Splunk (16) Splunk (16) Splunk (16) Synergy (1) VBScript (1) VDI (1) Virtual Desktop (1) Virtualization (2) Visio (2) Visual MFCOM (1) WIACC (2) WIRM (13) Web Interface (9) WordPress (1) XAMP (2) XML (1) XenApp (24) XenApp SQL (1) XenDesktop (2) android (3) blog (1) iOS (1) iphone (1) mobility (9)

  Azure ()

  Citrix ()

  Citrix ()

  XenApp ()

 API (2)

MFCOM to PowerShell: How to Make the Transition
How to get the Username AND Password of a user in Citrix Web Interface 4.0

 Access Control (2)

Controlling Access to Web Interface using Web Interface Access Control Center
Web Interface Access Control Center

 Access Gateway (1)

Citrix Access Gateway AAC 4.2 "SharePoint Look and Feel" Template

 Active Directory (1)

Deploying a Pre-Configured Citrix Client using Active Directory

 Applications (1)

Virtual Desktops and Applications are not as important as you think

 Azure (1)

Citrix Workspace Services – Friend or Foe for the Citrix Service Providers (CSP)?

 BYOD (1)

Virtual Desktops and Applications are not as important as you think

 Branding (1)

Branding the Citrix ICA Client

 BriForum (1)

MFCOM to PowerShell: How to Make the Transition

 C# (4)

Smooth Roaming + Responsive Design
Citrix XenApp 6 PowerShell SDK: Getting a List of Applications with C#
Getting Started with the Citrix XenApp PowerShell SDK and C#
How to Save Web Interface Usernames in a Cookie

 CAG (1)

Citrix Access Gateway AAC 4.2 "SharePoint Look and Feel" Template

 CMC (1)

Visual MFCOM Explorer

 Citrix (29)

Use PowerShell to get the Citrix Configuration Log as well as Old and New Property Values
Using Proximity to Start an Octoblu Workflow
Trigger an Octoblu IoT Flow from Splunk
Mobile Application Development Theorems
Citrix Synergy 2014 Live Blog
Using PowerShell to Retrieve Citrix Monitor Data via OData
Citrix Synergy 2013 Live Blog
Citrix Synergy Barcelona 2012 Super Session (day 2) Live Blog
Citrix Synergy Barcelona 2012 Keynote Live Blog
Citrix Synergy 2012 Live Blog
Installing and Using the Citrix XenApp 6.5 Mobile Application SDK
Setting up an Android Emulator for use with Citrix XenApp 6.5 Mobile Application SDK
Citrix Synergy Barcelona 2011 Keynote Live Blog
Citrix Acquires ShareFile – a Citrix Service Provider Perspective
Citrix XenApp 6.0 to XenApp 6.5 PowerShell Upgrade Utility Under the Hood
Export and Import Citrix XenApp 6 Published Applications Using PowerShell
Migrate Citrix XenApp 6 Folder Structure Using PowerShell
Citrix Synergy 2011 Keynote Live Blog
Citrix Acquires Cloud Control Panel Company EMS Cortex
MFCOM to PowerShell: How to Make the Transition
News from Citrix Synergy
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Exploring the Database
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Reporting
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Setting up the Citrix XenApp farm for Configuration Logging
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Setting up the Database
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging – Part 1
How to Enable AutoComplete for Web Interface Logon
Citrix turns 20
Branding the Citrix ICA Client

 Citrix Synergy (8)

Citrix Synergy 2014 Live Blog
Citrix Synergy 2013 Live Blog
Citrix Synergy Barcelona 2012 Super Session (day 2) Live Blog
Citrix Synergy Barcelona 2012 Keynote Live Blog
Citrix Synergy 2012 Live Blog
Citrix Synergy Barcelona 2011 Keynote Live Blog
Citrix Synergy 2011 Keynote Live Blog
News from Citrix Synergy

 Client (2)

Script to Manipulate APPSRV.INI
Deploying a Pre-Configured Citrix Client using Active Directory

 Cloud (3)

Virtual Desktops and Applications are not as important as you think
Citrix Synergy 2012 Live Blog
Citrix Acquires ShareFile – a Citrix Service Provider Perspective

 Configuration Logging (8)

Use PowerShell to get the Citrix Configuration Log as well as Old and New Property Values
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Exploring the Database
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Reporting
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Setting up the Citrix XenApp farm for Configuration Logging
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Setting up the Database
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging – Part 1
Get email alerts for your Citrix PS 4.5 Farm with Project S-Bend
Project S-Bend Setup Instructions

 Cortex (1)

Citrix Acquires Cloud Control Panel Company EMS Cortex

 Customization (6)

How to Save Web Interface Usernames in a Cookie
Silverlight Web Interface Sneak Peak
Template updates for Citrix Web Interface 4.6
Script to Manipulate APPSRV.INI
Citrix Access Gateway AAC 4.2 "SharePoint Look and Feel" Template
Super Easy Customization of Citrix Web Interface 4.x

 Database (15)

Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Exploring the Database
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Reporting
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Setting up the Citrix XenApp farm for Configuration Logging
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Setting up the Database
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging – Part 1
Web Interface for Resource Manager is now in Spanish
Web Interface for Resource Manager is now in Italian
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.2
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.1
Web Interface for Resource Manager version 2.1 is coming soon
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.0
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.0 "sneak peak"
Web Interface for Resource Manager 1.2
Visio Diagram of the Citrix Resource Manager Summary Database
Using Microsoft Visio to Reverse Engineer a Database

 Development (1)

Mobile Application Development Theorems

 Download (17)

How to Save Web Interface Usernames in a Cookie
Get email alerts for your Citrix PS 4.5 Farm with Project S-Bend
Script to Manipulate APPSRV.INI
Project Mobius Beta 2.1
Project Mobius Beta 2
Project Mobius Beta 1
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.2
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.1
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.0
MFCOM Script to List Applications Only in Specified Folders
Web Interface for Resource Manager 1.2
Citrix Access Gateway AAC 4.2 "SharePoint Look and Feel" Template
Web Interface for Resource Manager 1.1
Super Easy Customization of Citrix Web Interface 4.x
Citrix Web Interface "SharePoint Look and Feel" Template
Web Interface Access Control Center
Visio Diagram of the Citrix Resource Manager Summary Database

 Epoch (1)

The Epoch Information Center is now online

 Exchange (1)

Citrix Acquires Cloud Control Panel Company EMS Cortex

 GitHub (1)

Goodbye WordPress - Hello GitHub Pages

 HTML (1)

How to Save Web Interface Usernames in a Cookie

 ICA (2)

Script to Manipulate APPSRV.INI
Deploying a Pre-Configured Citrix Client using Active Directory

 Intel (1)

Mobile Application Development Theorems

 IoT (2)

Using Proximity to Start an Octoblu Workflow
Trigger an Octoblu IoT Flow from Splunk

 MFCOM (7)

Getting Started with the Citrix XenApp PowerShell SDK and C#
MFCOM to PowerShell: How to Make the Transition
Project Mobius Beta 2.1
Project Mobius Beta 2
Project Mobius Beta 1
MFCOM Script to List Applications Only in Specified Folders
Visual MFCOM Explorer

 OData (1)

Using PowerShell to Retrieve Citrix Monitor Data via OData

 Octoblu (2)

Using Proximity to Start an Octoblu Workflow
Trigger an Octoblu IoT Flow from Splunk

 PhoneGap (2)

Mobile Application Development Theorems
Introduction to PhoneGap

 PowerShell (10)

Use PowerShell to get the Citrix Configuration Log as well as Old and New Property Values
Using PowerShell to Retrieve Citrix Monitor Data via OData
Citrix XenApp 6.0 to XenApp 6.5 PowerShell Upgrade Utility Under the Hood
Export and Import Citrix XenApp 6 Published Applications Using PowerShell
Migrate Citrix XenApp 6 Folder Structure Using PowerShell
How to Install the Citrix XenApp 6 PowerShell Cmdlets
Bulk Update XenApp 6 Published Application Properties with PowerShell
Citrix XenApp 6 PowerShell SDK: Getting a List of Applications with C#
Getting Started with the Citrix XenApp PowerShell SDK and C#
MFCOM to PowerShell: How to Make the Transition

 Project Mobius (3)

Project Mobius Beta 2.1
Project Mobius Beta 2
Project Mobius Beta 1

 Registry (1)

The Epoch Information Center is now online

 Resource Hacker (1)

Branding the Citrix ICA Client

 Resource Manager (14)

Web Interface for Resource Manager is Dead
Web Interface for Resource Manager 3.0 Architecture Update
Web Interface for Resource Manager Roadmap
Web Interface for Resource Manager is now in Spanish
Web Interface for Resource Manager is now in Italian
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.2
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.1
Web Interface for Resource Manager version 2.1 is coming soon
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.0
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.0 "sneak peak"
Web Interface for Resource Manager 1.2
Web Interface for Resource Manager 1.1
Visio Diagram of the Citrix Resource Manager Summary Database
Using Microsoft Visio to Reverse Engineer a Database

 Responsive Design (2)

Smooth Roaming + Responsive Design
Responsive Design for Enterprise Applications

 SDK (3)

Installing and Using the Citrix XenApp 6.5 Mobile Application SDK
Setting up an Android Emulator for use with Citrix XenApp 6.5 Mobile Application SDK
Citrix XenApp 6 PowerShell SDK: Getting a List of Applications with C#

 SOA (1)

Is a User Installed Application Layer Necessary for VDI?

 SQL (6)

Using PowerShell to Retrieve Citrix Monitor Data via OData
Citrix Acquires Cloud Control Panel Company EMS Cortex
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Exploring the Database
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Setting up the Citrix XenApp farm for Configuration Logging
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Setting up the Database
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging – Part 1

 Script (2)

Script to Manipulate APPSRV.INI
MFCOM Script to List Applications Only in Specified Folders

 Shadow Key (1)

The Epoch Information Center is now online

 ShareFile (1)

Citrix Acquires ShareFile – a Citrix Service Provider Perspective

 SharePoint (3)

Citrix Acquires Cloud Control Panel Company EMS Cortex
Template updates for Citrix Web Interface 4.6
Citrix Web Interface "SharePoint Look and Feel" Template

 Silverlight (1)

Silverlight Web Interface Sneak Peak

 Splunk (16)

Calendar Custom Visualization with Splunk Simple XML
Using HTML5 Input Types on Splunk Forms
IoT and Flying Ponies at .conf 2015
Trigger an Octoblu IoT Flow from Splunk
RDP to Windows Server from a Splunk Dashboard
Quick Tip: Wildcard Sourcetypes in Props.conf
Monitoring Windows Service State History with Splunk
Using Bootstrap Modal with Splunk Simple XML
Measuring Windows Group Policy Logon Performance with Splunk
Add a Tooltip to Splunk Simple XML Tables with Bootstrap and a Custom Cell Renderer
Monitor Processes Per User on Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Session Host
Show/Hide a Dashboard Panel Based on a Search Result
Pivot a Single Row Table with a DataTemplate View
From WIRM to Splunk – Translating the Past to the Present
Calendar Custom Visualization with Simple XML
It is official. I have joined Splunk!

 Splunk (16)

Calendar Custom Visualization with Splunk Simple XML
Using HTML5 Input Types on Splunk Forms
IoT and Flying Ponies at .conf 2015
Trigger an Octoblu IoT Flow from Splunk
RDP to Windows Server from a Splunk Dashboard
Quick Tip: Wildcard Sourcetypes in Props.conf
Monitoring Windows Service State History with Splunk
Using Bootstrap Modal with Splunk Simple XML
Measuring Windows Group Policy Logon Performance with Splunk
Add a Tooltip to Splunk Simple XML Tables with Bootstrap and a Custom Cell Renderer
Monitor Processes Per User on Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Session Host
Show/Hide a Dashboard Panel Based on a Search Result
Pivot a Single Row Table with a DataTemplate View
From WIRM to Splunk – Translating the Past to the Present
Calendar Custom Visualization with Simple XML
It is official. I have joined Splunk!

 Splunk (16)

Calendar Custom Visualization with Splunk Simple XML
Using HTML5 Input Types on Splunk Forms
IoT and Flying Ponies at .conf 2015
Trigger an Octoblu IoT Flow from Splunk
RDP to Windows Server from a Splunk Dashboard
Quick Tip: Wildcard Sourcetypes in Props.conf
Monitoring Windows Service State History with Splunk
Using Bootstrap Modal with Splunk Simple XML
Measuring Windows Group Policy Logon Performance with Splunk
Add a Tooltip to Splunk Simple XML Tables with Bootstrap and a Custom Cell Renderer
Monitor Processes Per User on Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Session Host
Show/Hide a Dashboard Panel Based on a Search Result
Pivot a Single Row Table with a DataTemplate View
From WIRM to Splunk – Translating the Past to the Present
Calendar Custom Visualization with Simple XML
It is official. I have joined Splunk!

 Splunk (16)

Calendar Custom Visualization with Splunk Simple XML
Using HTML5 Input Types on Splunk Forms
IoT and Flying Ponies at .conf 2015
Trigger an Octoblu IoT Flow from Splunk
RDP to Windows Server from a Splunk Dashboard
Quick Tip: Wildcard Sourcetypes in Props.conf
Monitoring Windows Service State History with Splunk
Using Bootstrap Modal with Splunk Simple XML
Measuring Windows Group Policy Logon Performance with Splunk
Add a Tooltip to Splunk Simple XML Tables with Bootstrap and a Custom Cell Renderer
Monitor Processes Per User on Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Session Host
Show/Hide a Dashboard Panel Based on a Search Result
Pivot a Single Row Table with a DataTemplate View
From WIRM to Splunk – Translating the Past to the Present
Calendar Custom Visualization with Simple XML
It is official. I have joined Splunk!

 Synergy (1)

News from Citrix Synergy

 VBScript (1)

MFCOM Script to List Applications Only in Specified Folders

 VDI (1)

Is a User Installed Application Layer Necessary for VDI?

 Virtual Desktop (1)

Virtual Desktops and Applications are not as important as you think

 Virtualization (2)

Citrix Synergy 2013 Live Blog
Citrix Synergy 2012 Live Blog

 Visio (2)

Citrix XenApp 6.0 to XenApp 6.5 PowerShell Upgrade Utility Under the Hood
Visio Diagram of the Citrix Resource Manager Summary Database

 Visual MFCOM (1)

Visual MFCOM Explorer

 WIACC (2)

Controlling Access to Web Interface using Web Interface Access Control Center
Web Interface Access Control Center

 WIRM (13)

From WIRM to Splunk – Translating the Past to the Present
Web Interface for Resource Manager is Dead
Web Interface for Resource Manager 3.0 Architecture Update
Web Interface for Resource Manager Roadmap
Web Interface for Resource Manager is now in Spanish
Web Interface for Resource Manager is now in Italian
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.2
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.1
Web Interface for Resource Manager version 2.1 is coming soon
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.0
Web Interface for Resource Manager 2.0 "sneak peak"
Web Interface for Resource Manager 1.2
Web Interface for Resource Manager 1.1

 Web Interface (9)

How to Save Web Interface Usernames in a Cookie
How to Enable AutoComplete for Web Interface Logon
Silverlight Web Interface Sneak Peak
Template updates for Citrix Web Interface 4.6
Super Easy Customization of Citrix Web Interface 4.x
Citrix Web Interface "SharePoint Look and Feel" Template
Controlling Access to Web Interface using Web Interface Access Control Center
Web Interface Access Control Center
How to get the Username AND Password of a user in Citrix Web Interface 4.0

 WordPress (1)

Goodbye WordPress - Hello GitHub Pages

 XAMP (2)

Smooth Roaming + Responsive Design
Responsive Design for Enterprise Applications

 XML (1)

Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Exploring the Database

 XenApp (24)

Citrix Workspace Services – Friend or Foe for the Citrix Service Providers (CSP)?
Citrix Synergy 2014 Live Blog
Smooth Roaming + Responsive Design
Responsive Design for Enterprise Applications
Installing and Using the Citrix XenApp 6.5 Mobile Application SDK
Setting up an Android Emulator for use with Citrix XenApp 6.5 Mobile Application SDK
Citrix XenApp 6.0 to XenApp 6.5 PowerShell Upgrade Utility Under the Hood
Migrate Citrix XenApp 6 Folder Structure Using PowerShell
How to Install the Citrix XenApp 6 PowerShell Cmdlets
Bulk Update XenApp 6 Published Application Properties with PowerShell
Citrix XenApp 6 PowerShell SDK: Getting a List of Applications with C#
Getting Started with the Citrix XenApp PowerShell SDK and C#
MFCOM to PowerShell: How to Make the Transition
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Exploring the Database
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Setting up the Citrix XenApp farm for Configuration Logging
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Setting up the Database
Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging – Part 1
Get email alerts for your Citrix PS 4.5 Farm with Project S-Bend
Project S-Bend Setup Instructions
Project Mobius Beta 2.1
Project Mobius Beta 2
Project Mobius Beta 1
How to get the Username AND Password of a user in Citrix Web Interface 4.0
Visio Diagram of the Citrix Resource Manager Summary Database

 XenApp SQL (1)

Digging in to Citrix Configuration Logging: Reporting

 XenDesktop (2)

Citrix Workspace Services – Friend or Foe for the Citrix Service Providers (CSP)?
Citrix Synergy 2014 Live Blog

 android (3)

Introduction to PhoneGap
Installing and Using the Citrix XenApp 6.5 Mobile Application SDK
Setting up an Android Emulator for use with Citrix XenApp 6.5 Mobile Application SDK

 blog (1)

My other Blogs

 iOS (1)

Introduction to PhoneGap

 iphone (1)

Installing and Using the Citrix XenApp 6.5 Mobile Application SDK

 mobility (9)

Mobile Application Development Theorems
Citrix Synergy 2014 Live Blog
Introduction to PhoneGap
Citrix Synergy 2013 Live Blog
Citrix Synergy 2012 Live Blog
Smooth Roaming + Responsive Design
Responsive Design for Enterprise Applications
Installing and Using the Citrix XenApp 6.5 Mobile Application SDK
Setting up an Android Emulator for use with Citrix XenApp 6.5 Mobile Application SDK